A more complex way to brake than it seems
T-way braking is the most used one whatever the conditions are. But this is not the easiest. Before undertaking it, it’s better to have a good balance basis. Indeed, this technique is all about transfering your weight from one rollerskate to the other. Thus if you begin, you shall have to feel if you are able to weigh more on either of your rollerskates.
T-way breaking steps
1) Flex and put your hands on your knees in the basic position
2) Put all your weight on the onward leg
3) Leave your other leg drag behind, first barely touching the floor, then pushing harder on the leg
4) Your feet must form an angle going from 45° to 90°
5) The faster you get, the most important it is to put distance between your feet and to lower your position (flex your knee harder)
Some traps not to fall into
– Forming an angle superior to 90° with your feet is too much : you will then tend to turn around and to fall backwards
– Don’t push too hard on your backward foot at the beginning ! Learn how to control your pressure on it and increase it slowly
Some tips to get it faster
– If you wanna get more easily how to share your weight between both rollerskates, try to rollerskate on one foot.
– Don’t push too hard first on your backward rollerskate, just touch the floor with it at the beginning
– You can « break the angle » of your backward ankle so that to gain efficiency when braking. This allows to push harder with the inner edge.
– Never form an angle superior to 90° with your feet.
– You can put your arms a little in front of you in order to block your shoulders and prevent your body from turning when you touch the floor with your backward foot.
– You have to be quite tonic with your abdominals in order to block your pelvis. Your body must not turn.
– The faster you get, the lowest you have to be on your position.
– Bring progressively your feet together moving your backward one below you, in order to push more, and thus to brake more.
We are now going to talk about a few variations…
T-way braking can be a first step towards another kind of braking. For example, it allows to slow down your speed and to make a quick change of direction, which will then stop your speed, or else to brake-turn. Indeed, it is necessary to adapt your braking to the circumstances.
T-way braking with the feet joined
Your rollerskates are permenantly in contact while you are braking. This braking is generaly used when you are not going that fast or when you are packed with other rollerskaters.
An important thing : you must not be totally stiff when braking this way. You must always flex a bit your knees to improve your stability. If you go fast, then begin with more space between your feet before joining them.
T-way braking with space between the feet
The braking foot is more at the back. This allows to flex the knees and to be more stable.
This technique allows to brake easily when you have a high speed. The fastest you get, the most important it is to flex and to let more space between your backward foot and your body. You will be able to brake harder when joining the feet, remaining low on your position.
T-way alternate braking
This kind of braking consists in braking alternatively with each foot, letting one and then the other in touch with the floor, in turn, always quite perpendiculary.
a This technique enables to damage your wheels the same way on both rollerskates. It is less efficient than the simple T but more esthetic because it gives the impression of symetry. You have to master your braking with both legs, which is not that easy.
1) Move along at a good speed, in the security position, with your feet doing like scissors
2) Put all your weight on your onward leg and lift slightly the other one from the floor, forming an angle from 45° to 90° with your feet
3) Your shoulders stand upright and you may look forward
4) Put your backward foot down on the floor, conserving the angle of your feet. You must let your four wheels touch the floor on their inward edge. Opening your foot less than 90° allows your wheels to go on rolling and thus to get damaged circularly, not square.
5) Put your weight on your onward leg again.
Do the same again and again alternatively with both feet until you stop or you slow down as wanted.